Free PDF Access 2013: The Missing Manual (Missing Manuals)

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Access 2013: The Missing Manual (Missing Manuals)

Access 2013: The Missing Manual (Missing Manuals)

Access 2013: The Missing Manual (Missing Manuals)

Free PDF Access 2013: The Missing Manual (Missing Manuals)

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Access 2013: The Missing Manual (Missing Manuals) Review

Q&A with Matthew , author of "Access 2013: The Missing Manual" Q. Why is your book timely-- what makes it important right now? A. Office 2013 was recently released. Q. What information do you hope that readers of your book will walk away with? A. First, readers will learn how to create a properly structured database-- one that can hold all the information they need without running into the common pitfalls of bad table design. Then, readers will learn how to enter information with customized forms, print it out with attractive reports, and guide the whole process with two basic programming building blocks: macros and Visual Basic code. Finally, readers will learn how a whole team of people can share a database-- for example, how one person can design a database that other people in a company can use, even if they know absolutely nothing about Access. Q. What's the most exciting and/or important thing happening in your space? A. Access 2013 is making a renewed attempt to bring its databases to the Web with a new feature called Web Apps. The basic idea is that you, the Access developer, create a database using the familiar Access tools and place it on a SharePoint server. As with a desktop database, you create the views that determine how other people see the information in your database. However, there's a key difference: to view or edit your database, other people need only visit the website in their browsers. They don't need to have a copy of Access, a special plug-in, or even a Microsoft computer. (In fact, even a tablet like the iPad works perfectly well.)

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Book Description

The book that should have been in the box

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Product details

Series: Missing Manuals

Paperback: 868 pages

Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (April 28, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1449357415

ISBN-13: 978-1449357412

Product Dimensions:

7 x 1.7 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.1 out of 5 stars

43 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#451,403 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This is the best book on Access 2013 I've been able to find. It's comprehensive and well written. It seems to straddle the line between a textbook and a reference manual, veering on the side of textbook more than I'd prefer.Search suffers from a failure to recognize some valid Access terms, gives many more results (sometimes hundreds) making it a laborious exercise to find what you're looking for, and gives more than one reference for a term where here are multiple uses on one page.For users coming from earlier versions of Access (2007 and 2010) there is no discussion of how to work around features that were dropped from Access 2013 (pivot tables). There's either a statement that you now have to use something else (pivot tables) or there's no discussion at all (data collection forms).Still, I find "Access 2013: The Missing Manual" my go-to book when I need information on a particular topic.

I had a need to learn Access for a work project. While searching at Amazon I was bombarded with more books that I would ever have time to evaluate. I settled on this one, and I wasn't disappointed. It covers all the necessary aspects of Access in an easy to understand way, void of the technical jargon that can quickly turn off someone new to the language. My only criticism was the layout. Though the text is excellent, with nice color pictures to guide you along, the organization of the chapters doesn't naturally lead one from start to finish. That's why I took one star off for this review. All the material you would ever want is there, but you have to move around and not expect to read it start to finish. Anyway, if you are looking for a great book to learn Access this is it.

This is my first purchase in this series. I haven't yet used it extensively, but clear that In some ways it's more helpfu than other books on the subject, like the Access 2016 Bible.

All the 'Missing Manuals' I have bought are exactly what I was looking for. Every time I need a manual, I check to see if there is a 'Missing Manual' before I look elsewhere. Thanks

The obvious way to make a book like this functional is to include sample databases that the reader can download from the web and follow along with or manipulate as the book instructs. In fact, the book promises exactly that, on page 18: "Go to ...where you can download a Zip file that includes the examples, organized chapter by chapter." That sounds great, but is only about 30% true. I have now completed chapters 1-4, and the majority of the exercises have no corresponding example database to work with. For example, I am currently on page 153 in chapter 4, learning about Table Validation Rules. I am asked to create a rule to ensure that Date Ordered is earlier than Date Shipped. There is no example database listed under chapter 4 or any preceding chapter that has columns called DateOrdered or DateShipped. While I can create a database from scratch that includes these fields and practice with it, that is not what the promotional material has promised to potential purchasers of the book.This problem has been present in every chapter so far. Even when there is a usable example database, the reader is left to guess which one, among three or four possibilities, to open. Only in the first few pages of the book does the author say something like "Open the example database called "Bobblehead". The reader is left to open all examples, and guess which one will be best for the exercise.On the positive side, the style is easy to read, and understandable to me. (I am a beginner at database use, design, and programming.) Also, the number of books for beginners on this subject is very small, and this may still be the best book despite the apparent sloppiness with examples.

Still in the early stages of learning Access, but I think this, along with an on-line course I found, will get me where I need to go pretty quickly.

There are some good details. However, its confusing at some points. And too much information in others.

Written with clarity and humor. Practical step-by-step guidance. My only complaint is that I want to know it all right away. That's not possible with such a complex program. I'm still working my way through the book while I try to figure out more advanced techniques to create data bases that I need. I'm trying to do things before I read about them. My fault, not that of the author.

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Access 2013: The Missing Manual (Missing Manuals) PDF

Access 2013: The Missing Manual (Missing Manuals) PDF
Access 2013: The Missing Manual (Missing Manuals) PDF